
Arma 3 How to Draw on Map TUTORIAL

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  • Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers
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    Arma 3 Map Marker Exploit (finddisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;
    Old tertiary January 2019, 03:32 PM #1

    Deaths Dance

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    Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload

    Points: vi,912, Level: 9

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level up: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: 2.five%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers

    Arma 3 Map Marker Exploit (finddisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; patched

    How to use :

    Utilise At Your ain run a risk !!!

    FindDisplay: For noobs


    (finddisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;

    Some map marking scripts


    if(isNil "life_markers") then { 	life_markers = false; }; life_markers = !life_markers; if (life_markers) then { 	hint "Marker Acildi"; 	 	 	life_markers_active = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", " 		private _vehicles = []; 		private _crewNames = []; 		private _entitiesInVehicle = []; 		private _allUnits = []; 		private _allDeads = []; 		private ['_text','_vehicleTexture','_sideColor']; 		{_entitiesInVehicle pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (allUnits select {!(isNull objectParent _x) && !(isNull _x)}); 		{_vehicles pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (vehicles select {((_x isKindOf ""LandVehicle"")||(_x isKindOf ""Air"")||(_x isKindOf ""Ship"")) && !(isNull _x)}); 		{_allUnits pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (allUnits select {!isNull _x}); 		{_allDeads pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (allDeadMen select {!(isNull _x) && !(_x in _allUnits)}); 		{ 			if !(isNull _x) then { 				_vehicleTexture = [getText (configfile >> ""CfgVehicles"" >> typeOf _x >> ""icon"")] call BIS_fnc_textureVehicleIcon; 				_sideColor = [side grouping _x] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; 				if (_x in _vehicles) then { 					if (crew _x isEqualTo []) so { 						_text = getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf _x >> 'displayName') 					} else { 						_crewNames = []; 						{_crewNames pushBackUnique (_x getVariable['realname',proper noun _x]);} forEach (coiffure _x select {live _x}); 						_text = format ['%1',_crewNames joinString ' , ']; 					}; 				} else { 					if (_x in _allDeads) then { 						_text = _x getVariable['realname','']; 						_sideColor = [East] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; 						_vehicleTexture = ""pictureHeal""; 					} else { 						_text = _x getVariable['realname',proper name _x]; 					}; 				};  				_this select 0 drawIcon [_vehicleTexture, _sideColor, getPosASLVisual _x, 24.0, 24.0, getDirVisual _x, _text, 0, 0.04, 'TahomaB', 'correct']; 			}; 		} forEach (_allUnits + _allDeads + _vehicles - _entitiesInVehicle); 	"]; } else { 	hint "Marker Kapatildi"; 	 	findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw", life_markers_active]; };


    disableserialization; _display = (findDisplay 12); _map = _display displayCtrl 51; _event = _map ctrlAddEventHandler["Draw",{ _units = allPlayers; if(!ismultiplayer) and then {_units = allunits; };  { if(vehicle _x == _x && alive _x) then { _this select 0 drawIcon [ getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof(vehicle _x) >> "Ic" + "on"), [0,0.half-dozen,1,ane], getPos _x, 24, 24, getDir _x, proper name _x, i.75, 0.075, "PuristaSemiBold", "right" ]; };  } forEach _units;  { if(count(crew _x) > 0) then { _text = ""; { if(isPlayer _x) then { if(live _x) then { _text = _text + (proper name _x) + " "; }; }; } forEach (coiffure _x);  _this select 0 drawIcon [ getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof(vehicle _x) >> "Ic" + "on"), [ane,0,0,1], getPos _x, 24, 24, getDir _x, name _x, 1.75, 0.035, "PuristaSemiBold", "right" ];  }; } forEach vehicles;  }];


    Discord: Expiry's Trip the light fantastic toe#0001

    Last edited by Deaths Dance; 13th July 2021 at 11:57 AM.

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    Old 4th January 2019, 01:07 PM #2


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    Points: seven,514, Level: ix

    Points: 7,514, Level: 9 Points: 7,514, Level: 9 Points: 7,514, Level: 9

    Level up: 93%, 86 Points needed

    Level up: 93% Level up: 93% Level up: 93%

    Activity: 7.0%

    Activity: 7.0% Activity: 7.0% Activity: 7.0%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers

    Thanks for sharing

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    Old 4th January 2019, 04:56 PM #3

    Deaths Trip the light fantastic

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    Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level up: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: two.5%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by G0ldenEy3 View Post

    Thanks for sharing

    no problem bro yous are welcome


    Discord: Death'due south Trip the light fantastic toe#0001

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    Old quaternary January 2019, 05:52 PM #iv



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    Points: 596, Level: 1 Points: 596, Level: 1 Points: 596, Level: 1

    Level up: 40%, 304 Points needed

    Level up: 40% Level up: 40% Level up: 40%

    Activity: 1.vii%

    Activity: 1.7% Activity: 1.7% Activity: 1.7%

    Damn bro beloved it, thanks for sharing!

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    Old 4th January 2019, 05:54 PM #5

    Deaths Dance

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    Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level up: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: 2.5%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by aSDadsDaWa View Post

    Damn bro dearest information technology, thanks for sharing!

    accept fun


    Discord: Decease's Dance#0001

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    Old quaternary January 2019, 06:10 PM #6



    zwarterdanzwart's Avatar

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    Points: 1, Level: 1 Points: 1, Level: 1 Points: 1, Level: 1

    Level upward: 0%, one Points needed

    Level up: 0% Level up: 0% Level up: 0%

    Activity: 0%

    Activity: 0% Activity: 0% Activity: 0%

    Tutorial looks awesome, thanks for such a decent caption.

    A question though, since my noesis of battleye et al is really limited;

    This can't get you globally banned right? (Banned By battleeye), since you're not really modifying any game files?

    Am i understanding this correctly?

    Likewise accept you tested this on servers with infiStar ( Altis life?)

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    Old 4th Jan 2019, 06:26 PM #7

    Deaths Trip the light fantastic

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    Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload

    Points: six,912, Level: nine

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level upwards: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: 2.5%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Concluding Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by zwarterdanzwart View Post

    Tutorial looks crawly, thanks for such a decent caption.

    A question though, since my noesis of battleye et al is actually limited;

    This tin can't get you globally banned right? (Banned By battleeye), since you're not actually modifying any game files?

    Am i understanding this correctly?

    Also have you tested this on servers with infiStar ( Altis life?)

    i judge %0 risk of battleye global ban im not sure about some altis lifes anticheats it can be detectedable by custom anticheats but its %100 safe to utilize on exile and male monarch of the hill servers correct know
    and its infiSHÄ°T undetected correct know.


    Discord: Decease's Trip the light fantastic#0001

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    Old fifth January 2019, eleven:04 PM #8


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    M3th3mby Just put a down payment on his fire-wall M3th3mby Just put a down payment on his fire-wall M3th3mby Just put a down payment on his fire-wall M3th3mby Just put a down payment on his fire-wall M3th3mby Just put a down payment on his fire-wall M3th3mby Just put a down payment on his fire-wall

    Points: 4,088, Level: 6

    Points: 4,088, Level: 6 Points: 4,088, Level: 6 Points: 4,088, Level: 6

    Level up: 55%, 412 Points needed

    Level up: 55% Level up: 55% Level up: 55%

    Activity: 7.0%

    Activity: 7.0% Activity: 7.0% Activity: 7.0%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted past Deaths Dance View Post

    How to apply :

    FindDisplay: For noobs


    (finddisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;

    Some map marker scripts


    if(isNil "life_markers") and then { 	life_markers = false; }; life_markers = !life_markers; if (life_markers) then { 	hint "Marker Acildi"; 	 	 	life_markers_active = findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", " 		private _vehicles = []; 		private _crewNames = []; 		private _entitiesInVehicle = []; 		private _allUnits = []; 		private _allDeads = []; 		individual ['_text','_vehicleTexture','_sideColor']; 		{_entitiesInVehicle pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (allUnits select {!(isNull objectParent _x) && !(isNull _x)}); 		{_vehicles pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (vehicles select {((_x isKindOf ""LandVehicle"")||(_x isKindOf ""Air"")||(_x isKindOf ""Ship"")) && !(isNull _x)}); 		{_allUnits pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (allUnits select {!isNull _x}); 		{_allDeads pushBackUnique _x;} forEach (allDeadMen select {!(isNull _x) && !(_x in _allUnits)}); 		{ 			if !(isNull _x) then { 				_vehicleTexture = [getText (configfile >> ""CfgVehicles"" >> typeOf _x >> ""icon"")] call BIS_fnc_textureVehicleIcon; 				_sideColor = [side group _x] phone call BIS_fnc_sideColor; 				if (_x in _vehicles) then { 					if (crew _x isEqualTo []) so { 						_text = getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> typeOf _x >> 'displayName') 					} else { 						_crewNames = []; 						{_crewNames pushBackUnique (_x getVariable['realname',name _x]);} forEach (coiffure _x select {alive _x}); 						_text = format ['%1',_crewNames joinString ' , ']; 					}; 				} else { 					if (_x in _allDeads) then { 						_text = _x getVariable['realname','']; 						_sideColor = [E] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; 						_vehicleTexture = ""pictureHeal""; 					} else { 						_text = _x getVariable['realname',proper noun _x]; 					}; 				};  				_this select 0 drawIcon [_vehicleTexture, _sideColor, getPosASLVisual _x, 24.0, 24.0, getDirVisual _x, _text, 0, 0.04, 'TahomaB', 'correct']; 			}; 		} forEach (_allUnits + _allDeads + _vehicles - _entitiesInVehicle); 	"]; } else { 	hint "Marking Kapatildi"; 	 	findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["Draw", life_markers_active]; };


    disableserialization; _display = (findDisplay 12); _map = _display displayCtrl 51; _event = _map ctrlAddEventHandler["Depict",{ _units = allPlayers; if(!ismultiplayer) and so {_units = allunits; };  { if(vehicle _x == _x && alive _x) so { _this select 0 drawIcon [ getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof(vehicle _x) >> "Ic" + "on"), [0,0.half dozen,1,1], getPos _x, 24, 24, getDir _x, name _x, 1.75, 0.075, "PuristaSemiBold", "correct" ]; };  } forEach _units;  { if(count(crew _x) > 0) then { _text = ""; { if(isPlayer _x) and then { if(alive _x) then { _text = _text + (proper name _x) + " "; }; }; } forEach (coiffure _x);  _this select 0 drawIcon [ getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof(vehicle _x) >> "Ic" + "on"), [ane,0,0,1], getPos _x, 24, 24, getDir _x, name _x, 1.75, 0.035, "PuristaSemiBold", "right" ];  }; } forEach vehicles;  }];

    Accept fun until it will be fixed past bohemia or infiSHÄ°T

    Nice Release and thanks for sharing yet some people will use this to scam people :P

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    Old 5th January 2019, 11:08 PM #ix

    Deaths Dance

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    Points: vi,912, Level: nine

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level upward: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: two.v%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Concluding Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by M3th3mby View Post

    Nice Release and thanks for sharing still some people will use this to scam people :P

    thanks ye i know braindead people are trying to sell this simply who cares


    Discord: Expiry's Dance#0001

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    Old 5th Jan 2019, xi:44 PM #ten


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    helloand no longer needs Tutorials helloand no longer needs Tutorials helloand no longer needs Tutorials helloand no longer needs Tutorials helloand no longer needs Tutorials helloand no longer needs Tutorials

    Points: four,635, Level: seven

    Points: 4,635, Level: 7 Points: 4,635, Level: 7 Points: 4,635, Level: 7

    Level upwardly: 15%, 765 Points needed

    Level up: 15% Level up: 15% Level up: 15%

    Activity: iv.4%

    Activity: 4.4% Activity: 4.4% Activity: 4.4%
    Final Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted past Deaths Trip the light fantastic toe View Post

    thanks ye i know braindead people are trying to sell this but who cares

    this volition probably be the best release of the yr in this department xD, thanks for sharing!

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    Old fifth January 2019, xi:47 PM #eleven

    Deaths Trip the light fantastic

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    Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload Deaths Dance -- Warning: My rep could overload

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level upwards: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: 2.five%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Final Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by helloand View Post

    this will probably be the all-time release of the year in this section xD, thanks for sharing!

    thanks bro x)


    Discord: Death's Trip the light fantastic toe#0001

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    Old 6th January 2019, 12:03 PM #12



    BESTA666's Avatar

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    Points: 5,471, Level: 8 Points: 5,471, Level: 8 Points: 5,471, Level: 8

    Level upwards: 7%, one,029 Points needed

    Level up: 7% Level up: 7% Level up: 7%

    Activity: 2.8%

    Activity: 2.8% Activity: 2.8% Activity: 2.8%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers

    Thanks for this, y'all're awesome, but I've been thinking, is non it possible to employ the lawmaking to go more functions? how esp or non recoil?


    Share is lov

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    Old sixth January 2019, 02:58 PM #13

    Deaths Dance

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    Points: six,912, Level: 9

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level up: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Action: 2.5%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by BESTA666 View Post

    Thanks for this, you're awesome, but I've been thinking, is not it possible to utilize the code to get more functions? how esp or not recoil?

    yes i tried soo many scripts with this exploit but only map drawing its working.


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    Old sixth January 2019, 06:36 PM #fourteen



    sor5's Avatar

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    sor5 has sub-par posting abilities

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    Points: 3,304, Level: 5 Points: 3,304, Level: 5 Points: 3,304, Level: 5

    Level up: 63%, 296 Points needed

    Level up: 63% Level up: 63% Level up: 63%

    Activeness: viii.3%

    Activity: 8.3% Activity: 8.3% Activity: 8.3%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers

    Thanks for sharing. I utilise it for become functions from a server.

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    Old 6th January 2019, 07:23 PM #fifteen

    Deaths Dance

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    Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9 Points: 6,912, Level: 9

    Level up: 38%, 688 Points needed

    Level up: 38% Level up: 38% Level up: 38%

    Activity: ii.v%

    Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5% Activity: 2.5%
    Last Achievements Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers Arma 3 Map marker working on All King of the hill and Exile Servers


    Originally Posted by sor5 View Post

    Cheers for sharing. I use it for get functions from a server.

    accept fun x)


    Discord: Death's Trip the light fantastic#0001

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    Old 6th Jan 2019, 09:32 PM #16



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    Points: 49, Level: 1 Points: 49, Level: 1 Points: 49, Level: 1

    Level up: 13%, 351 Points needed

    Level up: 13% Level up: 13% Level up: 13%

    Action: 5.0%

    Activity: 5.0% Activity: 5.0% Activity: 5.0%

    But got banned with this, been using it for like 4-five hours. WS77095 or something was the Battleye admin ban. ''i guess %0 chance of battleye global ban'' xd

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    Old 6th January 2019, 09:41 PM #17


    Hacker Supreme

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    Originally Posted by Alimeister View Post

    Merely got banned with this, been using information technology for like 4-five hours. WS77095 or something was the Battleye admin ban. ''i gauge %0 risk of battleye global ban'' xd

    Thats non an Battleye Ban Code its an KOTH and Wasteland ban lawmaking you need to go to Samatras dc to entreatment it

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    Old sixth January 2019, 09:l PM #18



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    Originally Posted by Alimeister View Post

    Just got banned with this, been using it for similar 4-v hours. WS77095 or something was the Battleye admin ban. ''i guess %0 chance of battleye global ban'' xd

    You've washed something incorrect in koth, I'm using the script all solar day long on multiple servers and with no ban: iii


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    Old sixth January 2019, ten:42 PM #19

    Deaths Dance

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    Originally Posted by Alimeister View Post

    Just got banned with this, been using it for like iv-5 hours. WS77095 or something was the Battleye admin ban. ''i estimate %0 chance of battleye global ban'' xd

    i approximate you are flagged by battleye open a new steam business relationship and buy a new re-create of arma and play legit if u still got a ban you are flagged.

    BTW(its non bcz of this exploit this is fully undetected method its not ban able)


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    Old 6th January 2019, 10:58 PM #xx



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    Originally Posted past Deaths Dance View Post

    i guess you are flagged by battleye open up a new steam business relationship and buy a new copy of arma and play legit if u nevertheless got a ban you are flagged.

    BTW(its not bcz of this exploit this is fully undetected method its not ban able)

    it's a new steam acc and I've never used whatever scripts or shit before other than this one and so it's 1000000% this ane and method as it'south the only 1 I've used xD. It'south detected! Don't apply this shit. you'll exist banned from koth servers very presently

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